In compliance with the provisions of the Law on Information Services and Electronic Commerce, and in accordance with the European Directive 2009/136/EC, and the revisions of the European Committee in the Guidelines 05/2020 on consent proceeds to inform you of the use of cookies, and that you consent to the continuation of such use by the mere fact of continuing to browse this website.
Cookies are small files that are downloaded and stored on a user’s computer when accessing certain websites, in order to store browsing information to facilitate navigation, recognizing the computer, browser… Or collecting data for statistical purposes. In no case are viruses or systems harmful to the user.
By accepting the cookie notice that appears at the beginning of navigation on the website or by configuring the cookies on this site, you expressly agree to the use of such cookies on your devices. If you disable Cookies, your browsing of the Web Site may not be optimal and some of the utilities available on the Web Site may not work properly.
TYPES OF COOKIES (source: Spanish Data Protection Agency)
1.- Types of cookies according to the entity that manages them.
Depending on who is the entity that manages the equipment or domain from which the cookies are sent and treats the data obtained, we can distinguish:
– Own Cookies: These are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
– Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.
In the event that cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as own cookies.
2. Types of cookies according to the length of time they remain active
Depending on the length of time they remain activated in the terminal equipment, we can distinguish:
– Session Cookies: These are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page.
They are usually used to store information that only needs to be kept for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (e.g. a list of products purchased).
– Persistent cookies: These are a type of cookie in which the data remains stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the party responsible for the cookie, and can range from a few minutes to several years.
3. Types of cookies according to their purpose
Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies are processed, we can distinguish between:
– Technical Cookies: These are those that allow the user to navigate through a website, platform or application and the use of the different options or services it exist as, for example, control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access restricted parts, remember the elements of an order, make the buying process an order, make the application for registration or participation in an event, use security features while browsing, store content for broadcast video or sound or share content via social networks. Customization Cookies: These are those that allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined according to a series of criteria in the user’s terminal such as the language, the type of browser through which you access the service, the locale from which you access the service, etc. – Analysis Cookies: These are those that allow the responsible for them, monitoring and analyzing the behavior of users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform and for the elaboration of browsing profiles of the users of such sites, applications and platforms, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data of the users of the service.
Specifically, UHY-FAY & CO AUDITORES CONSULTORES, S.L. is using Cookies for the purposes described below. If other technologies are used in the future to provide more and better services, the user will be informed accordingly.
Technical cookies are essential for you to be able to move around a website and use its functions. In general, these cookies enable the different functions of the website, make your navigation more secure or provide functionalities that are previously requested by the user. As they are necessary for the operation of the site, these cookies will be enabled by default and cannot be refused.
This site uses technical cookies necessary for:
- ensure safe and uninterrupted browsing of our website;
- save the user’s preferences regarding the configuration, acceptance or rejection of the site’s cookies.
- Share content (such as articles and blog posts) on different social networks (such as Twitter or Facebook).
These cookies make it possible to track and analyze the behavior of users browsing the website. The information collected through this type of cookies is used in the measurement of the activity of the websites, application or platform, in order to make improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by the users of the service.