Companies have to comply with multiple requirements to comply with current regulations. Beginning in 2021, entities with more than 250 employees are required to report non-financial information, which is in addition to the obligation for large companies with more than 500 employees.
The Non-Financial Information Report must comply with recognized national and international frameworks, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or Integrated Reporting (IRCC), both in terms of descriptive content and the choice of indicators for each area. In addition, the report must be verified by an independent third party.
Non-Financial Information Statements and sustainability reports should include at least the information necessary to understand the group’s situation, its environmental and social impact, its human rights policies, measures to prevent corruption and bribery, and equality and inclusion policies. It should also provide a description of the main risks related to the activity, products and relationships, as well as the results of the aforementioned policies.